Thursday, March 20, 2008

Beyond*REBELLION - The Book, The Project, The Vision

Beyond*REBELLION is a book, project, and life dedicated to helping teenagers, families, churches, marketers, and educators understand that teenagers' lives are centred on behaviourial patterns that are influenced by their environment. In order to help teenagers succeed and have good character, there is need to look beyond the rebellion and tackle behaviour at the source of its influence.

The Book
Beyond*REBELLION is a quick read book written by Oscar Manduku, National Director of Youth Encounter. The book has contributions from teenagers from Youth Encounter. It is a reality check book for parents, marketers, pastors, and educators to look beyond what they have always seen, as this generation of teenagers is as no other. They are a generation that knows everything and has access and influence to whatsoever they desire, hence a need to get to the root of their behaviour in order to influence it unto good works. In order to do so, there is need to know what has caused the somewhat rebellious behaviour.

There will be more books to follow after the introductory book which are targeted at the parents, marketers, educators, pastors, and teenagers in detail. These will include motivational titles for teenagers, as the next book is being wrtitten called "Beyond*REBELLION Reloaded".

The Project
Beyond*REBELLION is a project that will go into schools, homes, churches, and brands in order to study, analyse, and influence good behaviour for the benefit of all stakeholders, especially the teenager. This project includes surveys, promotions, and case studies.

The Vision
Beyond*REBELLION's vision is to help teenagers realise their potential, by helping them build good behaviour as they grow up and express their potential.